Does My Fanny Look Big in This
Does My Fanny Look Big in This?
Have you ever been riding a homosapien and asked (internally) 'omg am I squashing this person like a double decker bus?'?
Or stumbled mentally upon, 'please lord, let me have shaved my nipples'? (free the hairy nips.)
That right there is sex anxiety, but not the kind where you can’t get interested in sex- just the kind where you’re afraid they’ll be offended by the smell of your fanny.
Join Ellie as she navigates a class of 30 adolescents asking her anything about sex; and what happens when they go home?
Does My Fanny Look Big in This? Tackles sex education, validates sexual anxiety, and deals with sexual trauma while answering questions you’ve always been a little too embarrassed to ask.
Let’s explore the sexual world through spoken word, uncomfortable noises, an inflatable sex doll, (bad) singing, anxiety and a limerick.
Ticket Information
Adult/conc £13.50/£7
Recommended Age
Running Time
Production Company
Eleanor May Blackburn
Partner Companies
Barnsley Civic
Performance Space
Studio Theatre