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Can't Stop Carrying On

13 March 2025

adult/Con £13.50/£7


“Certain sections of the press seem to have sore misgivings about my plans. I told them to put some talcum powder on them. It’s time to Carry On Regardless!”

An ageing film producer tries to resurrect his past cinematic successes by revitalising the Carry On franchise with a brand new film. Saucy seaside humour, double entendre and cheeky sexual innuendo. Just what a millennial audience wants, right?

Haunted by past successes, and friends and colleagues long since gone, he determines to secure his legacy and pull off one of the biggest cinematic comebacks of all time – a brand new Carry On film!

But should the past be revisited? Or is the Carry On brand better left alone – the product of a bygone time?

A new play about ageing, the human spirit and changing attitudes, and of course an affectionate tribute to the Carry On films, one of the most successful film franchises in British cinema history.

Ticket Information

adult/Con £13.50/£7

Recommended Age

Running Time


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Barnsley Civic

Performance Space


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