Barnsley Story Shell
Hold a shell to your ear, listen and you will hear the sea. What if you could wander into that shell – what worlds, adventures, stories and wonder lies within?
Drop in between 11am and 3pm to experience The Story Shell, Barnsley Libraries’ new immersive storytelling art space has been created by international artists Suzie Devey and Steve Messam.
Special story times will take place at 11:30am, 1pm and 2pm with storyteller Richard O’Neill.
Richard O'Neill is a sixth generation master storyteller and author from the Romany tradition. His original stories, books and plays are inclusive, inspiring, funny, traditional and contemporary, with strong themes of inclusion, identity, community and ecology.
Ticket Information
Recommended Age
Running Time
Production Company
Barnsley Libraries
Partner Companies
Barnsley Civic
Performance Space
Theatre (Unallocated)